Hidden Injuries Could Cost You, But Our Lawyers Can Help

When you’re reeling in the aftermath of a car accident, it can be quite challenging to take the necessary steps toward securing medical assistance, legal guidance, and compensation. And that’s why personal injury lawyers are so crucial to recovery and restitution. At Regard Law Group, we want folks prepared for the tough negotiations and time-sensitive decisions that take place in any personal injury matter. Today, in service of that goal, we’re exploring three common injuries that can be both expensive and painful when left unchecked.

3 Hidden Hurts to Watch For

Let’s start by breaking down some of the car accident injuries that people underestimate the most.

1—Internal Injuries:

  • Car accidents, particularly those involving blunt force trauma, can cause internal bleeding or even organ damage.

  • These injuries may not present immediate symptoms, masking their severity.

  • Delayed diagnosis can lead to complications and increased medical costs.


  • This common soft tissue neck injury, caused by sudden, forceful movements, tends to result in delayed pain and stiffness.

  • Unfortunately, insurance adjusters are often skeptical of whiplash injuries, which can complicate your claim significantly.

  • It’s better to avoid the term “whiplash” altogether; instead, simply tell your doctor that you suffered an injury to your neck, then describe your symptoms.

  • Do not get treatment exclusively from a chiropractor, and try to keep a detailed pain journal if possible.

3—Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs):

  • These injuries arise from repeated motions or awkward postures, often in work or sports settings.

  • Early symptoms like pain and weakness are easily ignored.

  • Unfortunately, letting an RSI go unchecked can lead to chronic pain or even disability if left untreated.

Why a Lawyer Matters

An experienced personal injury lawyer can:

  • Investigate Cause:

Our lawyers can gather evidence, review statements, and investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury. They can prove a connection to a specific event, determine negligence and comparative fault, and deal with any statements.

  • Fight for Maximum Compensation

Medical bills, lost wages, and ongoing treatment costs can add up quickly. A lawyer will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and their long-term impact, often securing a settlement that’s 3 to 5 times greater than what you’d be offered in your own negotiations with an insurance adjuster.  

  • Navigate the Legal System

The legal process can be complex. Your lawyer will handle all communication and paperwork, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

At the Regard Law Group, PLLC,  our attorneys are here to help you find justice and hold negligent parties accountable, securing the compensation you deserve and providing the closure that you need. Injured? Contact our office to schedule an initial free consultation or get more information about our services.


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