What to Do Following a Dog Bite Incident

While often cherished as our closest friends, dogs sometimes display aggression towards their owners and unfamiliar individuals through biting. If you are unsure of the appropriate actions following a dog bite, we can provide some guidance here. In most cases, it is advisable to receive medical care promptly, gather details about the dog's owner, notify the authorities, and consult a lawyer regarding potential financial reimbursement for any damages incurred.

Dog Bite and the Next Course of Action

Experiencing a traumatic animal encounter can be highly distressing; therefore, it is crucial to take prompt action to mitigate the consequences of a bite or injury. Acting swiftly prevents additional harm and ensures that you retain your rights to seek legal assistance and remedies. When assessing what to do after being bitten by a dog, it is important to consider the following steps.

 Seek Medical Care

Getting immediate medical attention is crucial following an incident of dog aggression.

 Consult with a Lawyer

You may encounter various legal challenges when attempting to obtain the compensation you are entitled to in a dog bite case. Therefore, it is crucial to have legal representation to enhance the likelihood of a successful claim. Speaking with a lawyer promptly regarding your injuries increases your chance of receiving fair compensation.

 Gather Information

Gather relevant data from the person who owns the dog. Once a dog bites you, promptly acquire the owner's contact details. Ensure that what you gather includes information on the homeowner's insurance policy and the dog's vaccination record.

 Notify Local Authorities

Notify your town’s health department about the occurrence. It is mandatory for individuals who have been bitten by a dog, or for their healthcare providers to promptly notify the health department within 12 hours of the incident or no later than the following weekday.

 Submit a Claim

Submit a claim against the insurance policy held by the owner or initiate legal proceedings by taking the matter to civil court. In certain circumstances, it is possible to achieve a favorable agreement by engaging in discussions with the home insurance provider of the dog owner. However, resorting to legal proceedings to obtain sufficient compensation may become necessary.

In times of distress caused by a dog's bite, it is crucial for someone to offer you the necessary assistance and support. Acquire a dedicated lawyer specializing in personal injury cases and possesses the expertise to defend victims while ensuring all rights are upheld effectively.

With a deep knowledge of the law, top negotiating skills, and decades of trial experience, our Lexington-based legal team at Regard Law Group, PLLC, is here to help. We're available on the phone 24/7 and have served the Lexington, KY, area for over 20+ years. Contact our office at 859-281-1318 to schedule an initial consultation or get more information about our services.


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