3 Ways To Stay Organized and Maximize Compensation for Your Injury

A serious injury due to a car accident or a bad fall can leave you in constant pain, so it makes sense that filing folders and receipts aren’t exactly top of mind. At Regard Law Group, however, we’re here to tell you that one of the single best things you can do for yourself after an injury is to keep thorough, organized medical records.

Meticulous record-keeping takes time, but it is essential for building a strong personal injury claim. Solid documentation strengthens your case by proving the extent of your damages and the legitimacy of your injuries.

Our team wants you to know these things without having to learn them the hard way. With that in mind, the following blog contains some helpful strategies you can use to ensure no valuable records get lost in the shuffle.

1.) Establishing a Clear Timeline:

  • A separate calendar dedicated exclusively to your injury is always a valuable tool.

  • Mark down the date of the accident, doctor's appointments, physical therapy sessions, and any other injury-related events.

  • This clear chronology helps your attorney understand the progression of your injuries and treatment, which often translates to better results and recovery later on.

2.) Accurate Recall:

  • Memories fade with time, so take brief notes during every doctor's visit.

  • Use what's at hand, but be consistent. You can jot down key details on a business card from your wallet or a notepad you keep in your purse.

  • Even small reminders can significantly improve your recall later. Consider mentioning things like your pain level, treatment recommendations, and any medications prescribed.

3.) Quantifying Damages:

  • Personal injury claims often involve compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

  • Empty prescription bottles serve as proof of the medications you were prescribed while holding onto medical bills, insurance statements, and receipts demonstrates the financial impact of your injury.

  • In any personal injury case, proof of damage is a singularly critical element. Do your best to ensure that you’re using all the information at your disposal.

Organization is Key

Ultimately, you need to find a system that works for you to keep records secure and easily accessible. Our attorneys have found that an accordion folder is a simple yet effective way to organize your injury-related documents but feel free to choose your method. Categorize sections for medical bills, doctor's notes, prescriptions, and any other relevant paperwork. This helps to make everything readily accessible for the attorney building your case.

With a deep knowledge of the law, top negotiating skills, and decades of trial experience, our Lexington-based legal team at Regard Law Group, PLLC, is here to help. If you need assistance with an issue concerning construction law or any other legal matter, contact our office to schedule an initial consultation or get more information about our services. We’re available by phone 24/7.


Beyond the Settlement: When Going to Trial Empowers Your Injury Claim