6 Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

January 1, 2024
Regard Law Group

The filing of a personal injury lawsuit occurs when one individual sustains an injury resulting from someone else’s carelessness or intentional, reckless behavior.

Personal injury claims are usually handled without the need for a formal lawsuit, with the dispute being resolved through negotiations. However, they can sometimes go to the trial phase.

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Thousands of cases involving the most prevalent forms of personal injury lawsuits are resolved or considered by courts each year. Sometimes they even conclude that victims receive significant amounts of money as compensation for their ordeal. Some personal injury cases are never completed because the injured party cannot secure adequate representation.

1—Liability for Products

Product liability lawsuits occur when a product maker or seller causes harm to a consumer as a result of a manufacturing error or design flaw.

2—Defamation and Violence

Personal injury claims are not necessarily the result of an accident. In reality, it’s extremely typical for victims of assault to initiate a civil litigation action, seeking reimbursement for their injuries and losses.

3—Car Accident Injuries

Call a lawyer as quickly as possible if you’ve been in a vehicle accident and feel the other driver’s negligence caused it. The top personal injury lawyers handle all types of auto accidents, including automobile, pedestrian, and motorbike accidents.

4—Injuries Due to Accidental Falls

Slip and fall incidents are another major cause of physical injury, particularly among the elderly. Many people suffer significant injuries as a result of someone else’s carelessness. From damp flooring to shattered railings, you should be fairly compensated if you’ve been wounded due to someone else’s carelessness.

5—Malpractice by Healthcare Professionals

Medical malpractice is significantly more widespread than most people realize. Doctors are obligated to do no harm to public safety, and personal injuries occur when that obligation is neglected or overlooked.

 6—Injuries at Work

If you sustain an injury on the job, get medical assistance immediately and notify your supervisor. Obtain proof of the course of events by documenting it, gathering the names of everyone involved, and acquiring a duplicate of the recorded statement your supervisor wrote about it.

If you are unable to accomplish any of these things, request the assistance of a colleague; the more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. Then you should contact an attorney to help secure maximum compensation for your injury.

You need an experienced personal injury attorney alongside you as you fight for your case. Get proper representation now so your case is fought properly and you receive maximized compensation.

With a deep knowledge of the law, top negotiating skills, and decades of trial experience, our Lexington-based legal team at Regard Law Group, PLLC, is here to help. We’re available on the phone 24/7. We have served the Lexington, KY, area for over 20+ years. From personal injury and wrongful death claims to the intricacies of breeding contracts, we will ensure that justice is served and you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact our office to schedule an initial consultation or get more information about our services.