Lexington, KY – Car Crash Causes Injuries on Tates Creek Rd near Old Dobbin Rd

December 20, 2024
Local Accidents
Lexington, KY - Car Crash Causes Injuries on Tates Creek Rd near Old Dobbin Rd

Lexington, KY (December 20, 2024) – At approximately 5:03 p.m., on December 20, a car crash with injuries happened in Lexington. Multiple responders were sent to the scene at the intersection of Tates Creek Road near Old Dobbin Road to help the people involved and investigate the details of the accident. EMS were seen rendering aid to those with injuries and individuals who were seriously hurt were taken to local hospitals by ambulance. One lane of traffic was blocked while crews worked in the area, resulting in substantial delays in traffic. Police in Lexington are working to determine the cause of the accident. 

Our thoughts are with the injured victims. We hope for their full and fast recovery.

Kentucky Auto Accidents

Lexington, ky - car crash causes injuries on tates creek rd near old dobbin rdKentucky car wrecks happen daily. On average, approximately 150,000 car wrecks are reported yearly. Approximately 25,000 of these result in injuries, and more than 700 result in death. Sadly, the majority of these wrecks are preventable and caused by negligent drivers.

Driver negligence causes the majority of auto collisions in the United States and across the state of Kentucky. Yearly, more than 90% of car wrecks reported in the United States are caused by negligent driving. Drivers who get behind the wheel while distracted, intoxicated, fatigued, or while traveling at unsafe speeds risk their own lives and the lives of everyone on the road. 

Unlawful and negligent driver behaviors put many people in harm’s way in the United States. When drivers act inattentive and careless, the chances of them causing someone serious or even fatal injuries are, unfortunately, extremely high. Some examples of negligent driving that may result in severe crashes include drunk, distracted, or fatigued driving. 

If you or a loved one of yours has been hurt in a crash caused by a negligent driver, you should contact a skilled and experienced car crash lawyer who can help you recover. At Regard Law Group, we work hard to help accident victims and their family members get the help they need during these challenging times.

Do not wait to call our car accident attorney in Lexington at (859) 281-1318 to learn about how we can help you at this time. We can build you a strong compensation claim that proves you have been hurt by a negligent driver while we aggressively negotiate with the insurance company to get you the compensation you deserve at this time. At times like this, it is key to have a compassionate and skilled legal team at your side to pursue justice and a full recovery. So please do not hesitate to contact our reputable law firm to learn more about how we can help you.

Note: This content was developed using various external resources, including news outlets, police and fire reports, social media, and direct accounts of serious injury accidents in Kentucky. Regard Law has not independently confirmed every detail associated with this incident. If you identify any inaccurate information in this post, please notify us immediately so we can correct it. Additionally, we are willing to remove a post upon request.

Disclaimer: This post does not serve as a solicitation for legal services, and none of the information provided here should be taken as medical or legal advice. The accompanying image is purely illustrative and does not represent the actual scene of the incident.