Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Lexington, KY?

October 26, 2024
Regard Law Group
where do most motorcycle accidents happen

Knowing about high-risk areas for crashes in Lexington, KY, can help you drive more defensively. But where do most motorcycle accidents happen in Lexington? Urban non-interstate roads and dangerous intersections are some of the most crash-prone locations.

Learn about why certain areas are more dangerous than others for motorcycle operators.

Motorcycle Collision Zones at Intersections

One of the most dangerous types of accidents for motorcyclists occurs when they hit another vehicle while the bike is traveling at almost full speed.

According to the Kentucky Transportation Center, this type of crash commonly occurs when a driver does not see the motorcyclist. At an intersection, the driver may be making a left turn across a lane of oncoming traffic. If the driver doesn’t see an approaching motorcycle, they might turn directly in front of it, leading to a high-impact collision.

Alternatively, the driver may be turning left into the driveway of a business or residence. Even if the left-turn accident does not happen at an intersection, it could cause extremely serious injuries for the motorcyclist. Vigilance on the part of both vehicle operators is key to avoiding a collision.

Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Urban Traffic Zones?

Because urban areas have more traffic than rural areas, motorcyclists are more likely to crash with another vehicle inside cities. Although single-vehicle accidents involving motorcyclists may happen in rural areas where the rider leaves the roadway, multi-vehicle crashes are more likely in the city.

Road construction is a contributing factor to motorcycle accidents in urban areas, and may even lead to construction accidents. A driver may fail to give the motorcyclist enough room inside construction zones because of narrow lanes. Motorcyclists could also lose control in an urban construction zone because the poor condition of the road causes the bike’s tires to lose contact with the pavement.

What Types of Roads Frequently Have Motorcycle Crashes in Lexington?

When it comes to types of roads, where do most motorcycle accidents happen in Kentucky? Although you might expect the answer to be interstates, non-interstate roads are more common for all kinds of accidents, including motorcycle accidents.

The high levels of traffic traveling on non-interstate roads create a greater chance of an accident for a motorcyclist. Additionally, non-interstate roads have driveways, intersections, stoplights, and other traffic control rules. Should a driver ignore one of these traffic controls, it could lead to a crash with a motorcycle.

While interstates are certainly known for fast drivers, speed is often not the only contributing factor in a motorcycle accident.

Does the Location of the Accident Help My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?

When trying to maximize your motorcycle injury claim, a personal injury lawyer in Lexington can help. Your attorney will investigate the circumstances of the accident, looking to show that the other driver is completely at fault for any injuries you would have otherwise not sustained.

If the accident occurred in an area of Lexington where other drivers hit motorcycles in the past, your attorney may be able to use this information. Perhaps your attorney can show this driver’s actions were similar to another driver who was at fault in a past accident.

Call Us for Help With Your Motorcycle Injury Claim

Answering “Where do most motorcycle accidents happen?” cannot always protect you. If a dangerous driver makes an error while operating a motor vehicle, you may suffer debilitating injury regardless of whether you’re traveling near accident hotspots. Reach out and ask questions during a free case evaluation. Call Regard Law Group today at (859) 281-1318 or use our online contact form to learn more about your options.